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“Be the change you want to see in the world”.  - Ghandi

Miss Morris - PSHRE Lead


PSHRE is an integral part of St. Andrew’s curriculum. Personal, Social, Health and Relationship Education have a valuable role to play in providing our children with the skills needed to be well-rounded, global citizens in the future. St. Andrew’s ensures that all children receive a high quality Personal, Social, Health and Relationship Education. We understand that this is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education and it is paramount that we provide children with the skills and knowledge that they need throughout their time at school and throughout their lives.


At St Andrew’s we want to provide children with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, values and skills they need in order to reach their potential as individuals and within the community.  Children are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of their school and communities. Our staff understand and share the value of teaching PSHRE not only during specific focused lessons but also through our everyday ethos and approach to supporting the children’s growth as individuals. As a school, we value the mental health and well-being of our children with the upmost importance.


Click on the links in the below table for more information about our PSHRE curriculum.

Click on the links below for updated information on our 'Changing Me' Curriculum for Summer Term 2 and a useful RSE guide for parents/carers.  

Jigsaw Changing Me Information

RSE Guide for Parents and Carers


 PSHRE - Curriculum Map.pdfDownload
 PSHRE - Progression Map.pdfDownload
 PSHRE Policy.pdfDownload
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